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Change your action button!!

Boton de acción

QYou probably already have your action button or also called CTA: “Contact us” or “Register” on your page. This is a great tool that helps generate leads easily.

The only problem is taking a game and forgetting that the approach can be counterproductive. Change your action button frequently!! Your CTA can become a timeless part of your page that people stop noticing if you don't work to keep it current.

Many brands make this mistake: using a basic logo or branding, setting the CTA to “Contact Us,” and then focusing on the posts, not the actual page.

A general rule of digital marketing is that the more static something is, the more it becomes part of the background noise of your brand – Change your action button.

While this may work for some parts of your online presence, anywhere you have action button, you'll want there to be some kind of energy to easily break the stillness and invite the viewer to take an action like purchase, sign up, or leave their details.

Some Tips to keep in mind…
  • Try changing your button from time to time. Any platform makes it easy to track how well you are doing your CTA. Pay attention to the effectiveness of one button over another, as well as the impact of a new button.

  • Change to adapt to your evolving marketing campaigns. Change your cover image as well for an even greater attention-grabbing effect. For example, when you head to your webinar, switch to the “Register” button and change your cover photo to reflect the event. If you are launching a new product, try the “Buy Now” button with a relevant image.

  • Use different lead generation techniques. Play with what works and track your click-through rates. And, keep evolving your strategy. There is so much you can do to increase the number and quality of leads you capture from this social network.

 If you want help to start this transformation with such important details as reviewing your CTAs and optimizing your resources and digital channels, we are willing to accompany you...

Article extracted from: GPS Marketing (

Edited and republished by: Kmedia (

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