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Advantages of Digital Transformation

Ventajas de la transformación Digital
l to Digital Transformation It is the process by which organizations or companies reorganize their work methods and strategies in general, to obtain more advantages thanks to the digitalization of processes and the dynamic implementation of new technologies. We all know very well that the speed at which consumers are digitalizing is higher than that of companies. We check it from both places:
  1. When we are clients
  2. When we are sellers
“A digitally transformed organization obtains benefits that the traditional business model does not have.

That is why a digitally transformed organization obtains benefits that the traditional business model does not have. Let's see what they are:

  • Improved communication with customers
    The Digital Transformation of a company places it at the same level of digitalization as its customers. This allows the organization to use the same communication channels, facilitating understanding between both parties.

  • Access to new business opportunities
    It brings business structures closer to markets that they did not have access to through traditional business models. Thus, new doors are opened to trade in a global world, where the ease of dealing with a client does not depend on the kilometers that separate the interlocutors.

  • Access to new business opportunities
    It brings business structures closer to markets that they did not have access to through traditional business models. Thus, new doors are opened to trade in a global world, where the ease of dealing with a client does not depend on the kilometers that separate the interlocutors.
  • Extends the life of the company
    Adaptation to the environment is part of any living being. Whoever does it best, lives; who doesn't, becomes extinct. New technologies are increasingly being implemented in more and more organizations.
    Software updates follow one another, and your systems have to know how to speak the same language as your clients and collaborators.
    Outside your environment, procedures develop and require social, cultural and business advances and, if you want to participate in that dance, you have to know how to keep the rhythm. The Digital Transformation of your company allows you to stay up to date with what is happening outside, it does not leave you out of date and favors business continuity.
  • Reduce costs
    The optimization of internal processes in all departments generates savings in time, design, materials, transportation and, in general, all the variables involved in carrying out tasks.
    All of this makes the sale of your product or service easier and faster.
  • Facilitates the recruitment of qualified personnel
    Today, the most skilled employees are trained digitally. They perfectly understand the technological world in which business takes place. If you are able to offer a company that offers them the possibility of applying their knowledge and skills, they will undoubtedly want to go with you. If you don't, you run the risk of becoming obsolete and without qualified labor.
  • Happy employees
    Not only new hires have to be happy to work with you. Continuous training for your current employees will make them feel safe and motivated, since they will also realize that digitalization will bring improvements to their jobs. All of this translates, for them, into pure motivation. And for you, as an entrepreneur or department manager, in increased production.
Each company is different and so are its processes, so you can start with small steps such as implementing WhatsApp Business, optimizing the website, etc. It is an excellent way to grow your sales. If you want help to start this transformation, we are willing to accompany you…

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