
How to create your absence and welcome messages in WhatsApp Business

Respuestas whatsapp


hatsApp business is an instant messaging application, it has become the leading application in recent times due to the immediacy of response, the sales and communication capacity it allows between companies and end users. 

Due to the variable needs that the market faces, the application has adapted to new trends and has provided updates and tools that facilitate immediate responses to more adequately capture customer attention and allow talks.

Among the important features of the application is the implementation of welcome and absence messages, these being the key loyalty and recruitment messages; at times when you cannot respond immediately.

You can use this option and establish absence messages so that they are automatically sent to all your contacts informing you that you will not be able to attend to them immediately, however you will do so as soon as possible and remind them of the response times in which we will be attending to their requests. 

Additionally, through welcome messages we can have the first commercial approach with our potential clients, which is why it is also possible to automate the message so that once this approach is made, the new user feels comfortable being part of our community.


Let's get started, you'll see how easy it is...

We will explain step by step how to adjust the welcome and absence messages so that you can implement it in your business account 

  1. Remember to have the application installed on a mobile device, with business profile settings 
  2. Click on the top three dots on the right 
  3. Access the tools option 
  4. Within the options in the previous menu, click on “absence message” or “welcome message” as appropriate.
  5. Once in the previous option, activate the function so that it remains visible
  6. Subsequently, personalize the message with which we want to inform our community.
  7. Finally save the changes  

You can change it whenever necessary – try to keep them updated so that your clients always feel properly cared for.

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