
How to make your own catalog in WhatsApp Business

como hacer tu catalogo

Whatsapp Business is an instant messaging application, designed to facilitate interactions between businesses and their customers, designed to meet the business needs of small and large companies; Its operation is similar to WhatsApp Messenger, allowing you to send and receive images and messages that are not so dense.

It currently communicates to more than 1.3 billion users per month in the world. This is one of the most useful, versatile and accessible communication, and therefore advertising, tools.

This application offers tools to organize, manage and automate messages, so that there is immediacy in communication; It was designed to generate closeness with the user, give relevance and location to the brand, allowing it to reach cross-border audiences, and it is also excellent for promoting products and services.

One of the key characteristics of said service is the implementation of the product catalog, whose objective is to serve as a showcase for each one of them or the services offered, without the need to have a web page, since through it It is possible to add products, a brief description and their price.

Step by Step to create your catalog...

To use the catalog function within the application, the first thing we must do is have it installed on the mobile device, configured with a company profile. Once the above is done, we will indicate the step by step for the inclusion of the catalog within the business account.

To use the catalog function within the application, the first thing we must do is have it installed on the mobile device, configured with a company profile. Once the above is done, we will indicate the step by step for the inclusion of the catalog within the business account.

Click on the 3 upper right dots in the settings option

  • Access the “Company Tools” option
  • Once the menu of the previous option is displayed, click on “catalog”
  • Once inside the catalog option, add photos of the products you want to promote; this can be from the gallery or directly from the device's camera,
    It is very important that you have a selection of your best images ready in square formats.
  • Add a distinguished name to the catalog
  • Later you can add the price as well as a brief description of the product and/or service; This is optional.
  • You can still add the link to the website
  • Finally save
It should be noted that a maximum of 500 products or Services can be added to the catalog.

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