
Sources for creating databases

Bases de datos

OR A Database is a tool that works as a “warehouse”, that is, it stores large amounts of information in an organized way so that it can be found and used in an easy and orderly manner. For example, a phone book with names, addresses and telephone numbers is a database. We will try to guide you on some sources to create databases.

This tool is managed at different levels according to the specific needs of each person or company. If you are determined and want to start creating a database, we have some ideas that may be useful to you:

  1. Decide what type of data you are going to collect. The idea is to create a very precise Database, so you must refine the data collected as much as possible so that you can then filter it without problems.
  2. Define how you will get that data. 
  3. Take advantage of all the techniques.

“Databases can be adapted to all kinds of tasks if they are used correctly, since thanks to their different classes and the models that exist it is possible to find the ones that are most suitable for any project.”

Sources for creating databases

Your website – This is the place for attracting prospects par excellence. Whoever comes to your page is interested in its content and is a potential subscriber. Make it obvious and explicitly invite people to become part of your database in exchange for their valuable information.

Invest in advertising – Using paid ads on Google Adwords, Facebook or traditional media is a very good way to attract interested people.
Offer a demonstration, advice or an eBook and in exchange for obtaining the document or material you offer, people sign up with their email to receive your emails.

Visitors to the point of sale – Every person who visits your point of sale is someone interested in what you offer. A very good way to stay in touch with these prospects is to invite them to receive tips and recommendations regularly from your company via email.

Business card – The business card is a great tool that is often wasted, including only your contact information. On the back, invite the person to subscribe to your publication or download a document of interest.

Social networks – Promote your valuable content on your own social networks. Periodically invite fans or followers to sign up for your virtual conference call, or enter a giveaway.

After gathering this important information, you can begin a path of commercial achievements, under the digital strategy scheme, you count on us to execute it and take the next step.

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