

AND The world has changed considerably: people no longer live, work, shop and consume in the same way as they did a decade or two ago. However, companies still aim to market and sell like they did 10 years ago. People have changed the way they communicate and interact in a radical way. The internet and digital communications have managed to create a new space for conversation and whether we like it or not, traditional marketing as we know it, is on the verge of disappearing.

People are ignoring traditional Marketing practices like phone calls or TV ads.

This is where finding new strategies such as Inbound Marketing becomes relevant. Inbound Marketing is a more effective way to attract, engage and delight customers.



Inbound marketing allows users and potential clients to find you on the Internet and learn about your products and services. It is about offering value in a non-intrusive way, unlike traditional advertising, so consumers do not feel that the goal is to achieve sales. With inbound techniques, your clients come to you and with outbound techniques you are the one who must find them. In the first case, the key is to create quality content; and, in the second, in the budget.

To generate traffic, you must use different resources such as content marketing, SEO techniques, social networks, PPC, etc. It is important that you do it according to strategic planning to achieve results.
At this point, you must apply all the necessary techniques in order to convert traffic into a database so that your inbound actions are effective. Landing pages, calls to action, and forms can be very useful.
Once you have your database, you must manage the records, integrate them with a CRM or with automation and lead nurturing tools. In this way, an automated content flow is created adapted to the user's purchasing cycle; related to lead scoring, which determines the right moment to convert them into a customer.
When you have already acquired clients, it is necessary to keep them. In this phase, you must keep them satisfied, offer them useful and interesting information and take care of your potential prescribers to convert sales into recommendations.
Finally, you must keep in mind that, to achieve sales through inbound marketing, coordination is very important, so everything must be perfectly integrated.

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