
What it is and how to make a successful WEBINAR

Webinar Kmedia

Surely you have asked yourself what it is and how to make a successful webinar, well here we tell you:
A Webinar is a video seminar, talk or conference, recorded or live, that generally allows audience interaction.

The webinars are given live, on a specific date and time. Normally the person giving the conference interacts with the users, who can comment or ask anything that occurs to them in relation to the speaker's speech.

The main platforms for holding webinars are YouTube Live, WebinarJam and GoToWebinar. Although recently, due to the pandemic, Zoom has also gained importance among the tools for holding Webinars.

What are the steps to organize a Webinar?

1. Determine the Objective of our Webinar
Attract new users? Do I want to retain those I already have? Do we want to demonstrate that we are experts in a certain topic? Do I want to grow my emailing list or my databases?

2. Topic selection:
We must be very specific!! This will give us a better handle on the subject and gives us the opportunity to prepare in all aspects to in order to offer clear and safe information in a useful presentation for your audience.

3. Define a structure
This is the most important part when holding a webinar. This allows us to trace the route that the session will take to achieve the fulfillment of the stated objectives. 

It is better not to bet on spontaneity, which although it is valued on the internet, it is important to guarantee that at the end of the session all the points have been clear and no idea has escaped leaving room for doubts.

So, if we want to be successful, having a script is the best way to comply with this structure and achieve our objectives. These can be the basic points:

  • An introduction
  • Specific points to address
  • A call to action
  • A space to address concerns or questions
  • Closure or cunclusions
  • Analyze the results

4. Support material
Your presentation must be the perfect complement, they cannot overshadow the content, much less go unnoticed.

You need a design according to the theme that allows you to address each of the points of your structure in a graphic way without leaving aesthetics aside. The recommendations that you can take into account are:

  • Set a color palette for your presentation.
  • Give greater value to images, much more than any other element.
  • Don't abuse the text, only use short sentences.
  • If necessary, do not hesitate to add graphs and infographics to your slides at the most complex points of the presentation.

5. Attract your audience: Promote the webinar on different platforms
Depending on your objective, create pieces focused on the audience you are looking for, for example email marketing, social networks, invitations, etc.

At Kmedia we recognize that as a tool, webinars are effective and versatile, so surely in one way or another your business can benefit if you include them in your strategy. If you require our support, we will be attentive both in the planning and execution part of it... 

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